Cathy Lee, MS, LMFT, EMDR

Cathy is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (MFC#151399) currently working in private practice at OC Counseling in their Tustin and Mission Viejo office, and virtually. Cathy’s first career was in financial services, then, due to life-altering circumstances and major transitions, it led her back to school to obtain her master’s degree in Clinical Psychology with an emphasis in marriage family therapy as she is passionate about keeping families together through restoration and repair. Cathy’s experience includes working with couples, teens and adults struggling with depression and anxiety, and a myriad of symptoms that manifest from mental health issues. Cathy also has experience working in a residential treatment facility for adolescents and their families. Cathy is grateful for the process and the journey that led her to this vocation as she knows this is her passion to help others process their journey. Cathy takes an eclectic approach when working with her clients, that is, a multi-faceted therapeutic intervention tailored to the type of presenting problems to the client.