The Power of 3-2-1 Journaling
If you were a client of ours, one of the first things we would talk about implementing is a simple habit: journaling. A number of years ago we sold out to a journaling technique that we have seen time and time again help people overcome anxiety and become more productive. It's called 3-2-1 Journaling, and it's one of the simplest things you can do each morning to set yourself up for a great day.
The premise is simple: every morning, write down three things you're thankful for, two things you're excited about, and one thing you're going to accomplish that day. That's it!
We always recommend doing this in a physical notebook rather than an app on your phone or tablet. When we write with a pen and paper, it actually creates new neuro-pathways which literally rewrites the way you think. All of our journals include some version of 3-2-1 journaling, but we have one where that's all it is. It's called The Daily Reset.
3-2-1 journaling enforces a posture of gratitude, builds creativity, and boosts productivity. Here's how it works.
The benefits of 3-2-1 Journaling
1. It's impossible to be anxious and thankful at the same time
Anxiety is rooted in what we don't have, thankfulness draws our attention to what we do have. So, by its very nature, 3-2-1 Journaling counteracts anxiety.
2. 3-2-1 Journaling builds creativity
When we are focused on the positive, it opens up our mind to seeing more possibilities. Journaling about things we're excited about allows us to brainstorm and come up with new ideas.
3. 3-2-1 Journaling boosts productivity
Because we are setting an intention for the day, we are more likely to follow through on it. It's a simple way to increase your productivity and get more done.
Prepping to journal
1. Get a notebook or journal that you love. This is going to be something you use every day, so make sure it's something you're excited about writing in. As mentioned before, we offer one called The Daily Reset but any notebook you love will do.
2. Set a time each day to write in your journal. We recommend doing this first thing in the morning, but at the very least before noon. The important thing is to be consistent and make it a part of your daily routine.
Write 3 things you're thankful for
Start each day by writing down three things you're thankful for. This can be anything from your bed to your dog to the sun shining. It doesn't have to be big, it just has to be something you're grateful for.
Anxiety is always built upon the negative, but writing down what we're thankful for helps us focus on the positive which counteracts anxiety's power.
Did you know it's impossible to be stressed and thankful at the same time? That's because anxiety is rooted in what we don't have or what might become real. Gratitude reminds us of what we do have and what is reality.
Go ahead and practice now. What are three things you're thankful for? Seriously. Think about them or better yet: write them down.
Pro tip: as you implement the 3-2-1 journaling technique into your life, try and think of three different things each day.
Write 2 things you're excited about
After you've written down three things you're thankful for, move on to two things you're excited about. This seems to be the hardest of the three for people for some reason and I think what gets them caught up is that they think it has to be big and profound.
This can be anything from an upcoming vacation to a project you're working on to seeing a friend later that day. It could be coming up quickly or still off on the horizon.
When we set our mind on something we're excited about that's coming up, it keeps us from falling backward into depression or letting our mind wander too far forward into anxiety. It keeps us focusing on the good instead of things we're worried about or that might go wrong.
Pro tip: Kristin posted a great video on TikTok about this part of the journaling technique, you should check it out if you get a chance (and while you're at it, follow us 🤓)
Write 1 thing you'll accomplish that day
Last but not least, write down one thing you're going to accomplish that day. This could be anything from taking a walk to finishing a project to making a phone call.
The important part is that it's specific and actionable. Something like "be more productive" is too vague and won't actually lead to anything getting done. But "finish writing that blog post" is specific and actionable and will help you actually get stuff done.
Some days it may be big and some days it may be small, but the key is that you're moving forward instead of falling back as you approach the day with a clear and actionable goal.
Pro tip: If you're struggling to come up with something, ask yourself what's the one thing that would make today a success?
3-2-1 Journaling Add-Ons
"Dear God" (or "Dear Self")
We also encourage our clients to write a daily letter to God. If you're uncomfortable with that, you can write a letter to yourself! It forces you into a place of mindfulness and contemplation and lets you release any burdens you've been holding onto. It can be long or short, but the key is that you can be honest. This lets you get anything off your chest so you're not carrying it with you into your day.
Daily Affirmations
In addition to the three, we encourage people to list a few (3 is a good number) daily affirmations. These are positive statements that start with "I can," or "I will." They counteract the negative self-talk we have going on in our mind. We are choosing to take the side of the inner-coach, not the inner-critic.
3-2-1 Journaling Recap
3 things you’re thankful for
2 things you’re excited about
1 thing you’ll accomplish that day
“Dear God”
Daily affirmations
3-2-1 Journaling is a powerful tool that can help you start your day off right. By focusing on what you're thankful for, what you're excited about, and what you're going to accomplish, you can set yourself up for success. And don't forget to add in some daily affirmations and a letter to God!
If you're not already journaling, give it a try. Trust us, your future self will thank you. 🙂